

With its versatile design and unsurpassed features the Surelok II series of machines outperform the competition like no other.  

Solid and reliable, the Surelok II will fasten material from as thick as 14 gauge to as thin as 32 gauge with our proven clinching technology.

  • Lexan Guard – eye protection without restricting access
  • Rigid steel frame – less deflection for longer tool life
  • Close tooling access – get in close for more applications
  • Fast cycle times – for more production
  • 18” throat – greater reach for larger parts
  • “Intelligent” safety stroke – for greater operator safety
  • Direct acting power stroke – for more reliable joints
  • Simple tool adjustment – little or no setup time
  • Adjustable stroke – reduces pinch point and air consumption
  • Completely upgradeable – add what you need – when you need it
  • Small footprint – requires less floor space
  • 10 years of design experience – proven reliability and quality
  • Air powered – requires no electrical hookup
  • Auto return
  • Advanced power unit
  • Light-Duty Punch and Die


    – 2 ply 22 ga. mild steel (max) 0.075”

    – 2 ply 32 ga. mild steel (min) 0.010”

  • Features easily adjustable open height (eliminates pinch point)
  • 80 cycles per minute @ 1/2″ stroke (1” stroke available)
  • Powered by WAMP air power unit
  • Air Requirements

  • 80 psi to 125 psi (125 psi recommended)
  • Approximately 0.6 cu. ft. free air per cycle
  • 5 HP @ 60 clinches per minute
  • Dimensions



    The Surelok machine is the safest clinching machine on the market.  

  • The safety stroke minimizes the risk of operator injury by allowing a low force closing stroke before a high force clinching stroke is activated at 3/16” opening.  No other machine has Norlok’s self checking safety logic that continuously monitors the safety system, this low force safety feature is not available on mechanical presses.  
  • The operator can also stop the stroke at any point by releasing the foot pedal.  With high speed mechanical presses there is no time for the operator to stop the press.
  • The Surelok also feature an adjustable stroke to increase operator safety and increase speed.  This is not available with mechanical machines

    The combination of press design, power unit, die type and high the use of high quality components means that the Surelok machine produce the most consistent chinch joints.

  • The rigid, computer analyzed, 3” thick steel frame assures minimal press deflection.  This is a critical requirement for high quality, consistent joints and long tool life.
  • The “Wamp” pneumatic power unit used on the Surelok press is a direct acting unit assuring just the right amount of force required to fasten the material.  This minimizes the effect of material thickness changes, and assures long tool life.

    It is not hard to see the quality and reliability in the Surelok machine.  

  • The rigid frame, the reliable power unit, the design experience, and the use of high quality parts all contribute to the incredible reliability and quality of the machine.
  • The direct acting pneumatic power unit means that the press cannot be overloaded.  Press and tool damage will not occur if the press is set incorrectly or the wrong type of material is selected.  Major damage can occur with mechanical presses

  • The service engineers at Norlok are always availably to help you with any clinching questions and, if needed, can usually ship parts overnight from our vast inventory.
  • Norlok Technology has been ISO registered for over 8 years, and is one of the few clinching machine manufactures to be registered.  This speaks to the commitment of the company and the quality of the product.
  • Norlok we has been making clinching machines for over 10 years and has nearly 1000 machines in service – far more than the competitors.


  • The Surelok clinching machine has the greatest range of options, including tooling types, speeds, strokes, special features and accessories.  Configure your machine to your requirements.
  • Norlok actually designs and builds clinching machines in house unlike most of our competitors.    Our engineers can customs design machinery to suit your special needs.  You get exactly what you want quickly and economically.

  • Although not as fast as mechanical presses the range of Surelok press speeds (60 – 160 strokes per minute) is best suited for most applications, and is faster than other types of pneumatic clinching machines.  
  • Mechanical presses (120 – 240 strokes per minute) are so fast that the operator does not have time to stop a press once it has been started, and press speeds this fast make little difference to productivity in most applications.

    Although the direct acting power unit uses more air than cam or linkage pneumatic presses this type of power unit is best suited for clinching operations.  Our 1” stroke machine can be operated at 60 stroke per minute on only a 5HP compressor.  In most applications the air consumption is considerably less than this and is rarely noticed.


    Other than the option laser (120v @ 1 amp) the Surelok press requires no electrical supply.  The laser option meets all electrical and safety requirements


    Weight870 lbs
    FeatureMechanical Clinching Machines Other Pneumatic Machines Surelok Clinching Machine
    Safety3 2 1 (best)
    Joint consistency2 3 1 (best)
    Press reliability2 3 1 (best)
    Service / support2 3 1 (best)
    Options• Included    X Optional “P” “E”
    Operating speed1 (best) 3 2
    Air consumption1 (least) 1 2
    Electrical use3 2 1 (least)
    Throat 18″ or 25″Choose the depth of frame behind punch
    Urethane punch assemblyReliable tooling with urethane stripper
    Close reach lower armClinch in tight areas – also great for pipes
    2 piece die holder and insertFast to change and easy to clean
    Adjustable strokeAdjust open height to minimize pinch point
    “intelligent” safety strokeReduces pinch point to less than 1/4″ even with 1″ stroke
    Lexan guardEye protection without restricting access
    Air surge tankMinimizes the effects of poor air supply
    Air filter / regulatorNothing to add – just plug your air line into the tank
    Frame mounted tool kitAll tools required for adjustments are included
    Production punch assemblyOur best tooling with longest punch and die life, best part access, best material range, and easily modified. • X
    Auto returnAutomatic (timed) press return – adjustable to suit application and air pressure. •
    Advanced power unit• •
    Extended warrantyExtends standard warranty to 3 years (punches and dies excluded). • X
    High speed control1 touch operation with increased speed & reliability – includes pressure sensing circuit. • X
    Laser pointerShows where clinch will be made – easy to use – meets all regulations for laser pointers. • X
    Side table12″ x 18″ swivel table – great for holding small parts and tools. X X